Where innovative finishes are a reality
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As the C&M portfolio continues to grow and expand into new territories C&M Finishes still hosts the internal passion for the fundamental service offerings it was built on. Since its founding, C&M has shared an internal passion for wood finishing. While painting was the primary service executed, wood finishing was also a passion. Bernard believed faux finishing would be the first artistic offering that would differentiate C&M Finishes from the competition. This complicated art of faux and wood finishing and re-finishing inherently carries countless variables that require both skill and experience. Since decorative painting is considered an applied art, consumers can experience a wide range of quality standards. At C&M we believe in bringing the highest level of professionalism to every project from beginning to end.
This category covers a large array of finishes and techniques and are up to the interpretation of the individual, how they preconceive it
Natures way of creating finishes that we as artisans recreate
Applicas that active elegant and sophisticated looks that are continuously evolving
Many different products and application techniques to achieve an infinite amount of floor finishes of looks
Wall Covering
Contact Us
Anthony Mariano
103 Doolittle Ave
Waterville, NY 13480
Office 315.841.4393
Fax 315.841.3451